Travel and your direct sales business.

Over the years I have had a few jobs that have required me to travel.  When working in the corporate world there was always a specific agenda.  Something that you needed to accomplish with each trip.  Never EVER did travel with my corporate job equal fun vacation.  Yes we had huge conferences where everyone got together…chanted…and then went out and did things they didn’t wanna tell their mama about.  Looking back though that wasn’t really “fun”…don’t get me wrong I had an amazing time and I’ve made some lifelong friends.  But…yes there is a but….I still had to go back and do the things that needed done.

Now is the part where I tell you that working direct sales is a whole different situation.   Well yes and no.  You see the difference is you don’t have that nagging boss telling you what you did isn’t good enough.  Which is totally two sided right? Sometimes we need that kick in the pants that we just aren’t getting our stuff together.  Other times….we are completely killing it. …then there’s those times we are somewhere in the middle.  Let me be very clear it’s normal to have all of these feelings.  Let them out have your feelings….and then put your big girl pants on and get to work.

Now let me give ya my 5 tips for travel with your DS business.

1 – Use google drive/dropbox/icloud whatever your preference is for some cloud base hosting of files.  Prep your work before you leave so you can download and post right from your phone.  Once I hosted an entire party at a waterpark! — My kids were happy, I was happy…and we all got to do the things we needed or wanted to do.

2 – Networking doesn’t stop — so you are a direct seller…well babe as direct seller you never know where your next big lead will come from.  Always have something to hand out, a business card at the very minimum. People love free stuff…give them something you can #1 afford but will make them wanna come back to you.  One super cool idea I heard recently is the “I’m going green…give me your contact info and I’ll text you my card and website.”  WHAT!?!? Isn’t that genius???  Now you have their contact info and can follow up with them!!!

3 – Share your life…are you going on a trip for your company?  Leadership meetings? Convention?? Share this stuff!!! People wanna know what’s going on with you and if they are already your customers they want to know what’s going on with your company.  You never know what customer could turn into a recruit.  

4 – Unplug….okay I know I just told you to prep your work and network and share…but you have to take time and unplug…be in the moment with your significant other or family.  You need time to be a human.  Recharge your brain….connect with your family…make memories most of all!

5 – Post Schedulers can be super helpful….if you know you are going to be away…use post scheduler…this could be as simple as using the built in feature for Facebook or an awesome third party to help keep your movement going while you will be away.

None of these things are magic bullets you have to show up and dig deep to make yourself successful.

Best wishes <3



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