Who the heck are we???

I thought you would never ask!

Hey there! We are Stephanie & David!!!  We would love to share a little about  this crazy Scentsy life & how has changed our family for the better.

Let’s start with the crazy lady fun loving lady…. yep you guessed it Steph loves to have a good time and keep the party moving.  It’s not always been easy to jump in and motivate yourself when working from home but I keep the struggle train moving.   Let me start out by how this all came about…you see I was in this group with these crazy ladies…they were having fun posting fun videos and GASP making money??? Quiting their full-time jobs to have some crazy fragrance business.  I was a total skeptic but thought damn they look like they are having the time of their life.  I WANT TO BE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So without knowing what the hell I was doing I purchased my first warmer.  Y’all it was/is soooo pretty…like a big ol ball of fireworks just went off and God snatched that out of the sky and put it on my counter.   Seriously…I didn’t even buy wax!!!! I didn’t even know what the stinking company sold.  I just wanted that firework and I wanted it bad!!!! So after I got it and David was like soo what do we do with this…I was so excited I was like ohhh it lights up!!! Seriously Blonde as the day is long sometimes!!!! David being the logical one of our family was like it looks like something should go in the top of this thing.  I just laughed because I knew he was right…I just had to have it and didn’t give two flips if I put anything in it. LOL Seriously…I look back now and think how crazy I must have seemed to my consultant.

Over the next few weeks I began stalking those crazy Scentsy Chicks…..I spent hours researching the company, and then finally I jumped out of my comfort zone, and told David I wanted to start this business.  I wanted to have fun…I wanted to BE THEM!!!  In true awesome husband fashion he says “How much will it cost?” ….my answer was well a WHOLE lot less than the clothing company I was thinking of joining. —- Insert David — “That’s not really an answer” …. You would have thought I was going to ask for thousands or millions of dollars to get started with the way I was scared to ask….and when I told him $99+tax an shipping.  He  kinda laughed at me….really laughed…like come on I’ve been building up the courage for you to say….no…. FOR DAY’s!!!!! Not that he really tells me no often…or really ever….but I had it in my head…he might and that was enough for me to put it off.  Once he said yes…we were off it was time to jump into this thing and show the world what I could do.  I had missed sales so much and the feeling of getting someone that perfect thing that in my first 15 days i earned The Shooting Star award! Then the Scentsational Start Level 2  (our fast-start awards) Y’all that was some serious work…#hustling. Joining Scentsy wasn’t about making money but I sure as hell didn’t want to lose money! It was more about having fun and being like those Crazy Scentsy Ladies having fun!!! 

Y’all the friendships that I have made along the way have are amazing…it’s nothing like I’ve ever been involved with before.  These people are nice…and I have yet to find the MEAN girl out there….now I’m sure she’s there but my TRIBE…well we don’t have time for that we are about building each other up.

No let me tell ya a little bit about David…well as I have already stated he’s the logical one of our relationship…my ScentFella all the way.  He is supportive and caring he wants to see us succeed and our team.  We are in this together to make something amazing for our family, and other families.  To show our kids that no matter what you’re doing do it 110% and give it your all.  David works in IT and well we know that’s his passion so why I’m doing this site and not him…is a bit of a quandary.   Oh well….what else can I say about this guy…he’s my other half…my best friend…the only person I want to be with forever…even when he makes me crazy.   Did I mention he’s an amazing Dad??? Yep, totally for sure the best dad I could have ever wanted for my kiddos.

Oh yeah I almost forgot we have 3 crazy kids that keep us moving 24/7 — they are all amazing in their own special ways and we love each one of them just the same EVEN when we fight…and yes we fight…yell…argue…and make up all in the same 5 minutes some days.  I wouldn’t trade our unperfect life for anything.  WE have each other and that means the world to me.  We work each day to be better parents and mentors for them…somedays we win…someday’s we fail…but through those failures we learn.  We are better prepaired for next time.  One thing I’m constantly asking the kids in nearly every situation….”So what did we learn from this” or “Did you learn something from that”…I’m sure they get tired of hearing it but its about making them aware of what’s happening and their actions and how they respond to those actions.  Anyway enough blabering on here!!!! As I bet I lost some of you after the first paragraph.

We’ll see y’all real soon.


Oh yeah here’s pics of the kids LOL — I almost forgot — here are our kiddos — Sammie, Tripp, and Ky

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