You must be this tall…

Come one, come all. You must be this tall to ride this ride at the carnival. No doubt you’ve see this familiar sign at some point. One of my favorite rides attractions as a child was the carousel…it was a rarity as a child we would get to see one. EVEN more rare that getting the opportunity to take a ride!

American carousels were designed in the nineteenth century and travel counter-clockwise, and allowed riders to grab for these AMAZING brass rings. Anyone who could reach out and grab the brass ring with their right hand would be rewarded with a prize! (Typically a free ride) Over time the concept of grabbing the brass ring became a metaphor for success and opportunity.

In truth success comes from different things….setting a goal, learning from mistakes, perseverance, and honest HARD work. Set your goals and seek out the next best thing awaiting you!

Each one of these provides you with the tools to be successful going into your future. Think for a moment when you’ve set a goal and didn’t achieve it. YOU failed horribly…you could just roll with it and accept that you’re a loser and can never do anything right. OR you can learn from it and realize that strength comes from failures. Fail forward…take from that experience and LEARN how you made the mistake and what not to do next time. PRESERVER my friend…keep taking one step forward until you find yourself ready to run.

Everyone finds success in different ways at different times which is why it’s so important to keep going. To make sure that you keep putting that foot forward and building yourself. It’s going to be hard work! I can almost guarantee it. However, when you can look back and see where you came from you will appreciate all those failures and goals so much more.

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